ux researcher. digital anthropologist.

a place for my stuff

When tech fails - we apologize for the inconvenience caused

Reliance on technology can be a plus or a minus.

And such has been the case with two systems for me.

The KPLC token system - where we buy electricity units. Sometimes a delay can mean you are in the dark for hours.

Or the SGR ticketing system that sometimes fails to send confirmation messages. My mum missed a train because of this. She went to the train station on the wrong date!

And so when I am using these two systems, I am a bit anxious, will they work? Will there be delays? Will they fail to send confirmations?

And that is the blessing and curse of relying on technology, systems that might fail, and all they do is send an automated message that says, “We apologize for the inconvenience”. And then it’s us users to grow a muscle of trust. How unfortunate!

Tessie Waithira