Jan '24 Links
I started the year focused, optimistic, experimental, and curious. The month was well-paced, these are some things that brought me joy, vibes, and comfort. From a book I dropped to artistic research I admire.
The Lives of Others - A German film with themes on political patronage, intense surveillance, what people give up to remain authentic, and close looks at how we relate with others before and after knowing their story. There is a particular scene that has stuck with me, where the writer is in flow and there are moody lights in the room. I enjoyed it, but would have loved for a different outcome for the actress. The ending was swell, “Sonata for a Good Man”.
Local content
These two creators have a great representation of our local cultures. Great for family watch, boomers included.
Njoro wa uba - A taxi driver navigating personal life and complex interactions in Nairobi. Very accurate portrayal of Nairobi nightlife.
Disco matanga - Loved how Copia was marketed in this video. Interesting way to do marketing weaved into everyday cultural practices. Awinja’s content is creative, different, funny, and very contextual.
I have been using Letterbox for film reviews, tracking what I have watched, and discovering other films. I love that the reviews are very chill and one can just write in any style they like, no film criticism jargon. I am very serious about films these days! Hoping to rewatch and update my reviews in the future.
Greenspoon IG page - I wish I owned this business. This is a grocery e-commerce platform with creative content on food and locally sourced products, recipes, and tips on healthy eating. Eating like you care, I love such content and I am keen on building a healthy food lifestyle, veg, fruits, etc.
Current wine and cocktails replacement. Been cutting on alcohol, apart from one weekend when I attended a friend's birthday and was meeting some other friends for dinner and drinks, so far so good. I replaced alcoholic drinks with sparkling water and juice combo. I will be carrying this on for some time.
Related - I will not be paying for YouTube Premium any time soon, I am okay with the annoying ads.
On the job, feature about working at the largest grocery store, making invisible jobs visible. I love the enthusiasm about work and doing the best to be of service. Got me reflecting on so many other invisible jobs that need to be highlighted.
The paradox of controlling disposable vapes - We had an interesting debate after watching this. A feature on vaping whose target was to help adults reduce smoking but has now captured children. Is it the colorful packaging and flavored vapes or is the goal of a smokeless nation too far-fetched? It’s a complex one.
Always happy to rewatch this - On career planning or lack of. Shared this with a friend which offered a chance for a rewatch.
Since 2021, my favorite social media app has been Instagram. I am on the platform mostly for food, wellness, nature, travel, and cultural stuff. The platform delivers when well-curated! Here are some pages I have been obsessing over this month.
https://www.instagram.com/bbcfood/ - Any food content, sign me in.
https://www.instagram.com/nyt_well/ - All things wellness.
https://www.instagram.com/nikewellcollective/ - There’s a style to their posts that I love.
Thinking fast and slow - This has been a slow read but worth it, I started it in December and I’m not halfway yet. Some thoughts while reading the book include:
How might I create flow for my work?
The algorithm is pointing us in all sorts of directions and managing our consumption on the internet, how can I protect myself from mindless scrolling?
On biases, we are all biased, how do we check ourselves?
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous - I wanted so much to enjoy this book but it didn’t work out for me. Left it 1/4 way.
Tomorrow silver by Msaki. This one is very personal and I have selected it as my song of the year.
We cut Keys 2 album - Blinky Bill, vibey, different, cultural, rooted. I should have attended the listening party!
The UX Research reckoning is here - An episode on Lenny’s podcast with Judd Antin. They discussed how research is changing and the role researchers need to play going forward. Human-centered performance stood out for me as the main issue UXR is facing. Others were on what type of research needs to be done, how teams get stuck in mid-range research that has slow or no impact, and why UXR needs to move to a strategic and business-minded role within teams. Loved the discussion.
I love quotes, and I am always collecting and sharing good ones. Here is my best from last month.
We have more possibilities available at each moment than we realize - Thich Nhat Hanh
Fall in love with some activity, and do it! Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is exciting if you go into it deeply enough. Work as hard and as much as you want to on the things you like to do the best. Don't think about what you want to be, but what you want to do. Keep up some kind of a minimum with other things so that society doesn't stop you from doing anything at all. - Richard P. Feynman
Daily habits
I love long walks and have been doing them for years now, they are centering, a moment to catch up with self or a friend and get fresh air, some sunlight, steps, and a chance to observe the neighborhood. I have been sharing this quote to recruit more people to walk. - “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.” — Søren Kierkegaard
To-do list fails - I started the year focused on having a daily to-do list but that hasn’t worked out well. Still thinking of a better way to plan my activities for the day.
Thoughts and theories
Agentic internet - Agency and especially in digital spaces and how that looks like for different people - eg the current one “delulu is the solulu” can be viewed as a form of agency. There are many others. I am writing and thinking about this, hope to publish sometime.
Financial inclusion paradox in digital credit scoring - I contributed an essay on this due for publishing in March. Complex topic with no one solution.
Long-form essays - I have been enjoying reading long-form essays on different forums with a focus on digital culture and social observations. These two magazines have been my fav, dirt & kernel.
Creative research presentation - Admiring creative & artistic expression of research outcomes and dreaming about how I can engage in that too, installation, films, interactive media, etc besides static reports. Such as Dasha’s work or Roos's work. This paper presents an interesting research method, exhibit-based research.