Just begin, including my favorite sandwich
“All good things must begin.” — Octavia Butler, journal entry
I don’t know what these musings will turn into but they’re inspired by my love of reading others’ reflections on blogs they have run for a long time. On daily routines, what they have come across, what is keeping them excited and what is on their mind. This will take a similar approach. Ideally, write something, anything daily or randomly (we’ll see) and on weekdays. I’m glad I have started.
This is about my best sandwich.
I am not a fan of anything that involves wheat, so getting a sandwich I enjoy is a huge deal. I just made one today. Homemade, with chicken, cheese, and avocado. Has tomatoes, mayo, and toasted butter bread, served warm. I will probably have it at least once a month or whenever the craving comes; which is rare for me with wheat. One is enough. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.
This was an accidental discovery as I woke up with a nasty cold, and was craving something warm, tasty and that has extra character from my usual smoothie and eggs breakfast. The avocado spread was a last-minute thought and it worked magic!
I’m writing this as a distraction from feeling bad about two canceled research interviews, more on that in another entry. You really never foresee a cancellation, popularly known as a no-show in research but they are pretty common. Over time you get used to this. Now I have to go back to the drawing board, recruit replacements or just exercise my persuasion skills to schedule for those who have canceled for a later date. Wish me luck. This particular project, though very interesting has been notorious with no shows, but we keep pushing!