ux researcher. digital anthropologist.

a place for my stuff

Best times to imagine, and think!

There’s a reason why shower thoughts get the PR they do.

I can attest to that. Writing this after a good idea hit me in the shower today.

You see, these days our minds are always stimulated. The many ideas being passed to us through screens and audio, and leaves us small chances for thought. (I sure do so much tech ranting for someone who makes a living from studying technology).

I don’t mean original, unheard-of thoughts (if there are ever any!), but those thoughts that hit you and are the perfect ideas for something you have been wrestling with.

For me, these happen when showering, just as I am about to sleep, when walking, or when I am engaging in something else e.g. cooking or cleaning.

Of course, there are others inspired by media, art, travel, and conversation. But I wanted to talk about those that happen during mindless activities like the shower when we are not logged on to devices, listening to podcasts, or reading books.

I love those creative ideas that happen when the mind wonders and today’s has unblocked and given fire to an idea I’ve had.

Long live wondering minds! And here’s a reminder self to set up more time for such. I get why some people always keep pen and paper close when walking or by their bedside, but what do you do for those that happen in the shower?

This made me think of things I imagined - Solange. Different, but same same, I think.

Tessie Waithira